Saturday, October 4, 2008

Miles' Theology

Miles enjoys playing with little fuzzballs on my bed, which he calls "fellars." A few weeks ago after church one Sunday he was playing with all his little fellars, so I listened in:

"Okay, this little fellar is the good God, and this one is the bad God. Oh, wait---we need a cross so we can kill him."

Then last Wednesday after children's church, I asked him what he learned about.

"Jesus." Of course.

"What did you learn about Jesus?"

"Oh. He had hangnails."


Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes!

Love, Sabrina

Just Jon said...

This is priceless. Miles' atonement theory is pretty sweet.

Anthony Paul Smith said...


Heather said...

Hmmm...makes me think it would be interesting to have a "theology according to kids" book. But where did he pick up Manicheansim, mom?

Anthony Paul Smith said...

More of a Marcionite. I suspect he's been hearing a lot of Paul. Easy mistake if that is the case.

Anonymous said...

Wow... add one to the "overchurched" category... send him to me after college so he can get his head straight!